06 March 2023


Monday of the Second Week in Lent




Acknowledging sin, being sorry for it and seeking forgiveness is a reality that can only exist where there is genuine friendship and the awareness that this friendship has been hurt or even destroyed. Without friendship with God and with people, sin remains only a thing to be wiped off, sorrow is a little more than a superficial regretting of something that should not have happened, and forgiveness is erasing the past. Sin, sorrow, pardon are to be seen in the light of the covenant relationship with a merciful God, who loved us first, and with our neighbor, with whom we are taken up in this union of life and love with God.

Reading 1: Daniel 9:4-12


Gospel: Luke 6:36-38


Just and holy God,
our loving Father,
you offered us your hand in friendship
and you sent us your Son, Jesus,
to go with us the road
of obedience and loyalty.
God, we often hurt this friendship,
we act as if we were not your sons and daughters.
See the look of shame on our faces.
Forgive us, for we count on you.
Accept our thanks
for continuing to take us as we are
and loving us notwithstanding our sins.
We ask you this through Christ, our Lord.


6 March 2023
Luke 6:36-38

Be Generous because you have a generous Father

Imagine God’s mercy as a blank cash cheque with your name written on it, and the account never runs out of cash. The more God’s mercy you share with others, the more mercy will be shared with you. It is up to you to decide how much you want to draw with the cheque.

Pope Francis says: “Loving our enemies, those who persecute us and make us suffer, is difficult; it is not even a “good business”, or at least it is not the logic of the world. However, it is the path that Jesus travelled to conquer the grace that makes us rich”.

The cliché of ‘glass half empty’ or ‘glass half full’ directly applies to today’s Gospel. For the one who regards the Gospel as a new set of commandments – it is all about rules and regulations: Be merciful, Stop judging, stop condemning, forgive and give. There you see the glass half empty. Today, people do not appreciate someone commands them to do things. But the Gospel does not stop with regulations.

On the other hand, it is a set of promises. These promises are as attractive as a blank cheque, provided we accept the project of life that Jesus proposes. Here is what the blank cheque offers: You will not be judged, nor will you be condemned; you will be forgiven of your sins, and God will bless you with unlimited fortunes!

How can we operate this account? The Word of God says to start by forgiving others. Are there people who annoy you? Be merciful by practising patience with them. Can I think of someone lonely or hurt? Can I spare some time to talk and be with them? Have you ever noticed your elderly neighbour for whom it is hard to come to the market to buy groceries? In this Lent, the Lord reminds us of our responsibilities to be generous because we have a super-generous Father.

How often do I share the workload with my parents, spouse, or siblings at home and be merciful by helping them? Mercy is a gift God gives us to share with others. Share it today, and your reward will be great! Jesus, help me be merciful today


 Be Generous because you have a generous Father – Youtube