17th Sunday of the Year – What’s in Your Hand? A clue to what God might have you do.


Moses, sweltering in the heat of the Sinai desert, is
engaged in a pity party. “I can’t do what you want, Lord,
because of this excuse and that excuse. People won’t accept
me. I can’t talk good. Let somebody else do it.”

But arguing with God is never a good idea. You don’t win.
Even if you say “No” (and God may let you), you lose. When
you say “no” or “I can’t,” you miss out on the great
adventure God has for you when you’re in the center of His
will for your life. But what is that will?

In the barren wastes of the Sinai, God asks Moses a simple
question: “What’s in your hand?” Moses is a shepherd.
That’s all he’s done for 40 years, and he’s ready to retire
at age 80. “What’s in your hand, Moses?”

Moses looks at his hand. “A staff,” he tells God — as if
God didn’t know. Duh!

The Lord says, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses does so, and
it becomes a snake. God tells him to pick it up by the tail
and it turns back into a staff. Hmmm. Over the next 40
years of Moses’ life, God uses that simple wooden stick to
deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh, to open the Red Sea,
to win a battle with the Amalekites, to bring water from a

Who would have thought?

As Moses learns to use in faith what God has put in his
hand, his life is changed — as well as the course of world

My question to you is: What has God put in your hand? Do
you wonder how God might use you? See what He has given
you. God equips people in various ways. I like to have
people over to my home, you might say. Another might
respond, I’m good with my hands. I can help a group get
things done. I like to cook. I have the gift of gab. I like
to keep things tidy. And so on.

Offer to God in faith what He has given you, no matter how
simple, and God will use it — sometimes supernaturally —
to do His work. You’ll have a new sense of meaning, since
you’ll begin to realize how God is using simple things in
new and wonderful ways.

When Jesus sees a hungry crowd he says to his disciples:
“You feed them.” They are stunned by the magnitude of the
need. So Jesus brings it down to their level. “Okay,
Andrew, do a little inventory. Find out what food we have
on hand.” Andrew checks around. “There’s a boy here with
five loaves and two fishes. So what?” Jesus ignores his
unbelief. He takes the bread and the fish, lifts them to
God in thanksgiving, and then begins to distribute them to
the people until all 5,000 plus women and children have
been fed.

That’s how God’s work gets done. By weak people doing an
inventory, then offering to Jesus what they find.

God has a world to save. You’re just one person. What
difference can you make? I encourage you to do this simple
inventory — count up your blessings, see what God has
given you. That way, when God asks you, “What’s that in
your hand?” you won’t answer: “Duh.” You’ll be able to tell
Him — and then you can let Him use the gift / skill /
resource / interest / relationship / opportunity to His

Okay. Once more. What’s in your hand?

Copyright © 2012. Ralph F. Wilson. All rights reserved. You
may reprint up to 1000 copies of this article so long as
the copyright information is included, but don’t place it
on the web without special permission. Thanks.