19 January 2023

JESUS CHRIST, Mediator, Healer  



Christ Jesus is the mediator, perfect, unique, who offered himself once for all. All who believe in him get access to God through him. He intercedes for us. That is his ministry now.

In the Gospel, Mark gives a summary of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Yesterday, we heard how the Pharisees are blind to him and attack him on legal points; the crowds flock to him because of his healing power, not so much to be converted. The demons know who Jesus is, but, of course, they do not believe in him. Here, we have different attitudes, but no faith yet. This is why, perhaps, Mark imposes silence on the spirits. We offer this Eucharist together with Christ, our only Savior and Mediator, who always intercedes for us.

Heb 7:25—8:6

Earlier there were a lot of priests, for they died and had to be replaced. But Jesus’ priesthood is permanent. He’s there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through him, always on the job to speak up for them. So now we have a high priest who perfectly fits our needs: completely holy, uncompromised by sin, with authority extending as high as God’s presence in heaven itself. Unlike the other high priests, he doesn’t have to offer sacrifices for his own sins every day before he can get around to us and our sins. He’s done it, once and for all: offered up himself as the sacrifice. The law appoints as high priests men who are never able to get the job done right. But this intervening command of God, which came later, appoints the Son, who is absolutely, eternally perfect.

 In essence, we have just such a high priest: authoritative right alongside God, conducting worship in the one true sanctuary built by God. The assigned task of a high priest is to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and it’s no different with the priesthood of Jesus. If he were limited to earth, he wouldn’t even be a priest. We wouldn’t need him since there are plenty of priests who offer the gifts designated in the law. These priests provide only a hint of what goes on in the true sanctuary of heaven, which Moses caught a glimpse of as he was about to set up the tent-shrine. It was then that God said, “Be careful to do it exactly as you saw it on the Mountain.” But Jesus’ priestly work far surpasses what these other priests do, since he’s working from a far better plan. If the first plan—the old covenant—had worked out, a second wouldn’t have been needed. 


Mk 3:7-12

Jesus went off with his disciples to the sea to get away. But a huge crowd from Galilee trailed after them—also from Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, across the Jordan, and around Tyre and Sidon—swarms of people who had heard the reports and had come to see for themselves. He told his disciples to get a boat ready so he wouldn’t be trampled by the crowd. He had healed many people, and now everyone who had something wrong was pushing and shoving to get near and touch him.  Evil spirits, when they recognized him, fell down and cried out, “You are the Son of God!” But Jesus would have none of it. He shut them up, forbidding them to identify him in public.


God, our Father,
through your Son, Jesus Christ,
you brought healing to your people
and came to bind us to you
in a lasting covenant of love.
May we not only admire his saving power
but accept him in faith as our brother,
your Son, our Lord and Savior.
Make him the ground and meaning of our lives
and fill us with his Holy Spirit,
that we may build up among us
your kingdom and a community
of faith, hope and love.
We ask you this through Christ, our Lord.