2nd Sunday of Easter – SEEING IS BELIEVING

John’s narrative cannot be more explicit and convincing. Only after the disciples had seen the risen Jesus with them did they begin to act as a team again. They regained their composure, their fears vanished, and they were joyful because of Jesus’ presence among them; so they opened their doors, because they saw themselves now as messengers of God, the same mission that Jesus had received from his Father.


The current crisis in the Church, with all its fears and the lack of spiritual vigour, has its roots at a very deep level. Quite frequently, the doctrine of Jesus’ resurrection and His real presence among us is more a declared and preached doctrine than a truly lived experience.


Christ’s resurrection is at the very centre of the Church, but his living presence is not really felt by us, it is not part and parcel of our communities, and does not sustain our projects. After twenty centuries of Christianity, Jesus is not known or understood in His original reality. Jesus is not loved or followed the way His first disciples did.


Such invisible presence, however, is at times rediscovered when an individual group or Christian community is taken up by the real and active presence of the risen Christ. When that happens, such community is not satisfied by following the routinely prescribed rituals of the local church. Such community feels a special need to listen, seek, remember and apply the Gospel messages of Jesus. Such communities become the most living and active members of the Church.


Nothing and nobody can give us the strength, joy and the creativity needed to face the unprecedented crisis – nobody except the living presence of a Risen Christ. Deprived of such spiritual vigour, we shall not come out of our natural immobility and we shall continue locked behind doors, away from this modern world; we shall continue doing what we are told to do, without joy and without conviction. Where else can we find the strength and enthusiasm needed to recreate and reform the Church?


We have to do something, because we need Jesus more than ever before. We need to feel his living presence and recall His guidelines and Spirit on so many occasions; we need to remember constantly His life, to be inspired by His actions. He alone can give us more light and strength than anyone else. He is among us to communicate His peace, joy and Spirit.