For the second time this week we participated in the solemn proclamation of the Passion of the Lord. Last Sunday proclamation was from Luke, this Friday’s proclamation is from John. The purpose of these proclamations is to lead us to ask ourselves this fundamental question: What does the Passion and Death of the Lord mean to me?
The One who loved me before I ever knew him, before I ever knew myself, suffered and died for me. He took the sins of the world upon himself because I needed him to defeat evil, not just in the world, but in my life. I can’t view the sacrifice of Calvary as an event in the past. It is a present reality for me.
I wish I could have been there. I wish I could have been there to stop his suffering. But then, as one of you wrote me, then I would be doing the work of the devil. I would have responded to hatred with anger, and fierce opposition. I would not have responded to hatred with love.
Like He did.
He conquered sin for me and for you because we need him so badly.
A little meditation for my St. Ignatius family:
The old, wise man Ignatius said, “Let me go to the Coliseum. I want to give witness, I am willing to die even if I have to coax the beasts to kill me.” How strange.
The young rich girl, Cecilia, said, “Neither impoverishment, nor scorn, nor torture nor the threat of death will convince me to give up my Lord.” How strange.
Young and old, male and female throughout the ages, sought to lose everything the world valued as a testament to God. How strange.
And Jesus embraced his cross. How very wonderful.
He died for us that we might live for him. How incredibly beautiful.
Today is a very good day.