2nd Sunday of the year

“In the beginning was the Word…a light shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not over power…the Word was the true light that enlightens all men…” Today is the 2nd Sunday in the octave of Christmas. On this Sunday, we continue to savor the joy of the new born king, we continue to greet the Word made flesh that now dwells among us, and we continue to rejoice because, as the wisdom of God, he dispels our darkness and illumines our lives. Today, the church invites us to reflect on the import of Christ’s coming to us.


There is a very strong relationship between wisdom and light. In fact, they are synonymous to each other. On the contrary, light or wisdom and darkness are opposites. Light is always contra darkness and dispels it. The Book of Wisdom addresses God as the one who “made all things by your word; God’s eternal, creative, and illuminating power” (Wis 9:1). Proverbs equally writes: “The Lord by wisdom founded the earth” (Pr 3:19). “Light”, “Word” and “Wisdom” are seen as one and the same. This is what they achieve: “For while gentle silence enveloped all thing, your all-powerful Word leaped from heaven, into the midst of the land that was doomed…” (Wis 18, 14-16).

This is what the birth of Christ did for us this season. As the wisdom of God, Christ came to banish ignorance by revealing things that are hidden for ages. As Wisdom He enlightens the eyes of our mind so that we can appreciate God (Eph 18). As light, he not only clears the obscurities of our mind, but also lights up our way. Hence, the psalmist says: “Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a guide for my path…” (Ps 119, 105).

Today, wisdom is personified in our first reading. He is none other than Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s wisdom. One important point to note from this reading is the fact that wisdom proceeds from God. Thus, Wisdom speaks: “From eternity, in the beginning, he created me…” In other words, he was part and parcel of the nature of God. The good news of this season is that after ages, he is now with us as human in order to help us work and walk in the light. Who are these privileged people? My dear, we are! Therefore the cause of our unending joy this season is that we are highly favored by God. However, it is important that we open ourselves so that He can make use of us adequately. If we do, we shall become wise and enlightened because iron sharpens iron, and fire begets fire.

In our second reading today, Paul continues to thank and bless God, “who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings of heaven in Christ.” This spiritual blessing is Jesus Christ himself, the Wisdom of God who is with us to dispel all ignorance and to illumine our dark spots. Also, Paul reminds us that we are those chosen and favored by God. This is not only for the purpose of being holy and spotless, but also, for adoption as fellow brethrens of Christ.

So, as we continue to rejoice this season, let us know that Christ’s birth sealed our own adoption and opened a door for all of us into God’s heart. Therefore as Paul prayed, “May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ… give you the spirit of wisdom and perception of what is revealed…” let us welcome Wisdom into our lives as our guide. This is because without Wisdom we cannot appreciate what wonders God has worked for us this season. Without the eyes of our mind being opened by the “Ancient of Days” himself, we will remain in perpetual ignorance and our minds always clogged with wickedness.

Today as was on Christmas day, our gospel kicks off with a description of God’s “Logos” or Word. John reminds us of the following that: “Through his Word the heavens were made.” John describes Jesus as God’s creative, life and light giving Word that has come to us in human form. Truly, Jesus is the Wisdom and Power of God which created and sustains the world. Therefore, in order to save us, He assumed our nature. Jesus became truly man while remaining truly God.

What he was (Divine), he remained, and what he was not (human nature), he has assumed for the sake of our salvation. Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God, he is truly the wisdom and light that dispels the darkness of our life and world. Without losing his divinity he became a man and our brother. He is the one with whom now we shear the same paternity as adopted children of God. His acceptance to be born like us gained us this exalted position and illumines our world.

Finally, for allowing the light of his face shine upon us this season through his Word, Light and Wisdom, let us, like David the Psalmist continue to say: “O Lord, you are my light and my salvation…(Ps 127, 1).