A missionary to Africa told the story of an elderly woman who was reached with the gospel. Though she was blind and could neither read nor write, she wanted to share her new found faith with others. She went to the missionary and asked for a copy of the Bible in French. When she got it, she asked the missionary to underline John 3:16 in red and mark the page it was on so she could find it. The missionary wanted to see what she would do, so one day he followed her.

In the afternoon, just before school let out, she made her way to the front door. As the boys came out when school was dismissed, she would stop one and ask if he knew how to read French. When he said “Yes” she would ask him to read the verse that was marked in red. Then she would ask, “Do you know what this means?” and tell him about Christ.

The missionary said that twenty-four of the school boys that lady led to the Lord became pastors.


Quo Vadis 1951



Condolence Messages for Fr. Stan Swamy
We are deeply saddened at the passing away of Fr. Stan Swamy. We give thanks to God for Fr. Stan’s life and commitment to the poor indigenous people and their struggles. We are happy that Fr. Stan received the best medical attention at Holy Family Hospital, Bandra and passed away with dignity.  Fr. Stan’s arrest was very painful. Under the Indian criminal law, one is innocent until proved guilty. Fr. Stan’s case did not even come up for hearing. We were eagerly waiting for the case to be taken up and the truth to come out.  Fr. Stan worked tirelessly for the under privileged and downtrodden, giving them a sense of dignity and upliftment. I witnessed his dedication to the exploited tribals. This work had its own challenges, but Fr. Stan worked single-mindedly for the poor. I do hope that the truth will come out soon and his name will be cleared of all criminal conspiracy. We pray that God reward him for his good work. May his soul rest in peace.

+ Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay & President – CBCI