1st Sunday of Lent

The Clodis were a rich and noble family who lived in a third-century Rome during the…

1st Sunday of Lent

WE HAVE NOW ENTERED the great season of Lent. For those of us who are old…

1st Sunday of Lent – The Temptation: An Opportunity More Than a Threat

Introduction From the analysis of biblical texts, a curious fact emerges: the wicked are never tempted…

December 18, Saturday

THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT IMMANUEL          When the kings of God’s people had not fulfilled their…

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jerry Kramer, in his second book entitled Distant Replay, said that if he wants to accomplish in life,…

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

TODAY WE HAVE THE CONTINUATION of Luke’s sermon on the plain (not the mount). Last Sunday’s…

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time – There is only one Master

Commentary on Sirach 27:5-8; 1 Corinthians 15:54-58; Luke 6:39-45 Introduction Like all those who teach the…

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Making His Compassion Real

I want to begin today by telling you about Rocky Mallardi. It has been quite a…

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

His advisers because of his being friendly even to his political enemies criticized Pres. Abraham Lincoln.…

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

MANY DESIRE TO HAVE POWER. Power that having money gives. Power of being influential, having prestige.…