3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Not A Number; An Integral Part (Fr. Joseph Pellegrino)

2-4-6-0-1. You hear this number numerous times in the musical adaption of Victor Hugo’s great novel,…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

A shoemaker, says Edwin Markham, through a dream was told that he would see Jesus the…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2 ( Jude Siciliano OP)

If you think religion is just about “do’s and don’ts”; about strict observance of divinely-instituted rules…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 1

Today’s gospel from Luke has two distinct sections, separated by several chapters.  The first is the…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – “Living the Mission: Sharing Christ’s Love” (Rev. Fr. Joseph S Benitez)

There was a story about God calling the three most popular Presidents for a meeting: Presidents…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Jesus’ Mission of Liberation and Compassion (Fr. Frank Doyle S.J)

IN THIS THIRD YEAR of the Sunday Scripture cycle we begin today to read the Gospel…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Your Word: Joy of My Heart – Light to My Feet (Fr. Fernando Armellini)

Introduction The God of Israel “speaks and it is done” (Ps 33:9). The idols of the…

December 17, Friday

THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT Jesus Christ, “Son of Man”          The liturgical readings of today call…

December 16, Thursday

THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT God’s Faithful Love The first reading speaks of the future glory of…

4th Sunday of Advent – The Historical Summit of Two Women (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, CMF)

The gospel today narrates the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, her relative. Luke has a peculiar…