Baptism of the Lord (Rev. Fr. Joseph S Benitez)

A story is told about an old grandfather who walked into a flower shop in order to buy a beautiful corsage. “I want to buy a beautiful corsage,” he said, “not a big one, but just about the prettiest one you can make.” He smiled, “It’s for my granddaughter and she’s having her first date tomorrow.”

The owner was so amused and interested. “How old is your granddaughter?” the owner asked the old man. “More than two weeks,” replied the excited grandfather.

The owner was surprised. “Did you say a date…a corsage…two weeks old?” asked the owner. “Precisely yes!” said the old man. “And I want it a corsage that’s exactly right. She’ll never have a more important date than she has tomorrow because it’s her first date with God. My little granddaughter is getting baptized tomorrow.”

Well, my dear friends today we are celebrating the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in Jordan River by St. John the Baptist. He is baptized not because he is a sinner but because He wants to be in solidarity with us especially in our journey towards the Kingdom of God. That He is with us and is one of us.

According to the 1997 Catechism for Filipino Catholics nos. 1587-1590, says: “Baptism is very popular among Filipino Catholics. One reason is surely our basic ‘family-centeredness’ and love of children, both of which are strongly fostered by baptism as celebrated in our country, (no.1587)”.

That’s because of our love of children; we want our children to be baptized immediately. In spite of the obstacles of parents like living-in without the blessing of a church wedding, we want our children to be baptized. If a priest will tell them that it could not be because they are not yet married they insist because according to their reason, the child has ‘no sin.’ Yes, the child has no sin but he/she may become sinful because of the sinfulness of the parents. The parents are living a sinful life.

The Catechism for Filipinos Catholics added: “But it is commonly noted that baptisms often tend to become merely social events. Chief concern is given to the numerous ninongs (godfather), ninangs (godmother) and to lavish feast. Lest interest is shown in the explicit religious dimension of the sacrament itself…Baptism seems reduced to mere registration into the church, parallel with civil registration, like birth certificate, as a Filipino citizen. Little appreciation for baptism as initiation into new life in Christ, is manifested,” (CFC no. 1587).

Well, what happens now is that we could not let our children be baptized because we don’t have money for food preparation. Some, especially the well-to-do family don’t want to join in the community group baptism, they want a special baptism and they want it may be in their homes. And yet baptism is our initiation into the new life in Christ and our entrance into the Church which is a community of people. How can we expect from children to be people-oriented if since the beginning of their Christian lives, that is baptism, we don’t allow them to be with the group of people.

That is why what happens nowadays, according to Catechism for Filipino Catholics: “One result of these deficiencies is that many Filipinos baptized as infants never have the chance to ‘grow up in the faith.’ They are ‘nominal Catholics’ – Catholics only in name not in action and deed. This result mostly from being baptized, it is because of the prevalent ‘socialization process,’ not by personal conviction and commitment to Christ (no.1588). “Some have asserted that Filipino Catholics are ‘sacramentalized but not yet evangelized, (1590)”

My dear friends let us reflect on these truths about our Catholic life especially that today we are celebrating the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism in order to remind us of our own baptism. That when we are baptized, there should be a change of heart and we become Christians. When we are baptized we chose Christ above all people and things. We believe in the Holy Trinity and we have a vocation to be like Christ and to act like Christ.

Baptism is:

  • We receive the Name (Christian is the name)
  • We receive the Gift (R-ebirth, I-nitiation, C-onsecration, E-mpowerment)
  • We receive the Mission (to please Him, to imitate Him)

Song: God is good to me (you, us),

He holds my (your, our) hand

He makes me(you, us) stand

God is good to me (you, us).

Story: One time I was celebrating Baptism to many children in one of the barrio fiestas in the parish where I was assigned. At that time, Jolibee was just put their branch in the city. And so one of the parents named their child as Jolibee when I asked the child’s name. what did I say to them? What do you want for me to use to baptize this child, gasoline or catsup?