Monday of 8th Week in Ordinary Time Not Willing to Pay the Price The first…
Category: Daily Reflection
Daily Fresh
Sunday February 27
EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Splinter in Your Eye Why is it that practically…
Saturday February 26
Saturday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time TITUS AND TIMOTHY Today, we celebrate two close…
Friday February 25
Friday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Joined Together By God James gives practical advice.…
Thursday February 24
Thursday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Protect the Weak James resorts to the vehement…
Wednesday February 23
Wednesday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time POLYCARP OF SMYRNA St Polycarp of Smyrna was…
Tuesday February 22
PETER’S CHAIR, Feast The liturgy celebrates today not so much that Peter was the bishop of…
Sunday February 20
SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Love Even Your Enemies If we are capable of doing…