Today we continue with our meditation on the Eucharist as presented to us in the Gospel…
Category: Fr. Alex McAllister SDS
17th Sunday of the Year
All through this particular year we take our readings from the Gospel of Mark but…
16th Sunday of the Year
The authors of the Lectionary advise us frequently to look at the First Reading and…
15th Sunday of the Year
The Gospel today tells us how Jesus sent the Apostles out in pairs to the surrounding…
12th Sunday of the Year
I do like the story in today’s Gospel about Jesus calming the storm. It is easy…
Feast of Corpus Christi
Today we reflect on the great sacrament we come together to celebrate as a community…
Feast of Ascension
I think today’s feast of the Ascension is one of the most neglected and misunderstood…
6th Sunday of Easter
In the First Reading today we have the account of the first Gentile convert to Christianity,…