5th Sunday of Lent – The tomb: a womb, no longer a grave

Introduction “When the gods formed mankind, they attributed death to humanity and withhold life in their…

4th Sunday of Lent – There’s a light that never sets

Introduction We can see some things; others elude us. The scientific knowledge that allows us to…

3rd Sunday of Lent – There’s a priceless water

Introduction For many years the Jews in the Sinai experienced thirst and mirages. They dug wells…

2nd Sunday of Lent – Elected to Serve

Introduction “The Lord has chosen you—Moses says to Israel—from among all the peoples on the face…

1st Sunday of Lent – The temptation of an illusory happiness

Introduction In common parlance, to be tempted means to feel attracted to what is forbidden. It…

1st Sunday of Lent – The temptation of an illusory happiness

Introduction In common parlance, to be tempted means to feel attracted to what is forbidden. It…

Ash Wednesday – Time of Fasting in Order to Nourish Us with the Word

Introduction “Man lives not on bread alone, but that all that proceeds from the mouth of…

7th Sunday of the year – Small steps toward an unreachable destination

Introduction “Lord I am not worthy”—we repeat before receiving communion, aware that the union with Christ…

6th Sunday of the year – They Keep the Commandments But Do Not Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Introduction The Jews call the first five books of the Bible the Law. A surprising way…

5th Sunday of the year – How could one become salt and light?

Introduction “Today, there is no more faith. Once there was so much.” How do you measure…