TODAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS cover the whole sweep of what today’s feast means. The first reading is…
Category: Fr. Frank Doyle S.J
Palm Sunday
SOME CELEBRANTS are tempted to drop preaching a homily today because of the length of the…
5th Sunday of Lent
ANOTHER GREAT STORY from John for our Lenten reading today, which links up with the stories…
4th Sunday of Lent
WHERE THERE ARE CATECHUMENS to be baptised at Easter we have today the ‘Second Scrutiny’. Here…
3rd Sunday of Lent
THE THEME of today’s readings centres around water. The links with Baptism are obvious. Water is…
2nd Sunday of Lent
IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND today’s Gospel we need to put it into context. Peter had just,…
1st Sunday of Lent
THE GOSPEL of today’s Mass always features the temptations of Jesus in the desert. It clearly…
8th Sunday of the year
THE GOSPEL IS A STRONG CHALLENGE to the lifestyle that prevails in most of our cities…
7th Sunday of the year
TODAY’S MASS SPEAKS of the essence of holiness. And why should we be holy? We should…