THE FIRST CHRISTIANS were all Jews. In the beginning they continued to observe many of their…
Category: Fr. Frank Doyle S.J
5th Sunday of the year
TODAY’S GOSPEL follows immediately after the Beatitudes. And the readings are saying that the Beatitudes must…
4th Sunday of the year
TODAY WE BEGIN the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is presented as the…
3rd Sunday of the year
THERE ARE THREE DISTINCT PARTS in today’s Gospel reading: a. Jesus, the light of the…
2nd Sunday of the year- The Identity and Mission of Jesus (Fr. Frank Doyle S.J)
TODAY WE BEGIN again the Ordinary Season of the year. Today’s readings speak about two things:…
Presentation of the Lord
Today we celebrate the close of the Christmas with a festival of light. Candles are blessed…
Baptism of the Lord – Manifestations (Fr. Frank Doyle S.J.)
TODAY BRINGS TO AN END our Christmas celebrations. And we see the third and last of…
CHRISTMAS IS A FEAST of light, joy and liberation. Originally, the Romans celebrated a feast on…
3rd Advent Sunday
TODAY USED TO BE CALLED “Gaudete Sunday” from the first word of the Entrance Song in…