Through three parables Jesus gradually reveals the mystery of the kingdom of heaven and explains the…
Category: Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy
15th Sunday of the Year – Four grounds in the same heart
In the parable of the sower, I would like to draw your attention to the large…
14th Sunday of the year – “Small” the only honorific title recognized in Heaven
The solemn exclamation with which today’s gospel begins is one of the few prayers of Jesus…
13th Sunday of the Year – Whoever has a big heart is not content with a small house
Matthew wrote his Gospel in a time of persecution. The disciples have often had the experience…
12th Sunday of the Year – It’s really risky to go against the traffic
Emperor Domitian had begun a persecution in Asia minor against Christians who did not worship his…
11th Sunday of the year – You are chosen for a responsibility – not a privilege
Gospel: Matthew 9:36–10:8 Priests and nuns are in constant and dramatic decline: What to do? The…
Feast of Corpus Christi – The Word of God and the Bread of Life
This passage is the concluding part of the discourse on the bread of life taught by…
Feast of the Holy Trinity – The God We Believe in
Just three dense verses constitute the Gospel passage today. They would be enough to correct the…
Pentecost Sunday – The Spirit: Hope For A New World
Jesus promised his disciples that he would not leave them alone and that he would send…
Feast of Ascension – Mandate of the Church to Continue His Mission
Matthew places the encounter with the Risen Lord not in Jerusalem but in Galilee. The evangelist…