5th Sunday of Ordinary Time – God of the Working Days (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, CMF)

It was still early morning after a tiring night. Peter and his companions had caught nothing…

4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Denial and Dismissal at Nazareth (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, CMF)

We had made a passing mention about people’s reaction to hearing Jesus saying, “These words are…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Proclamation of the Jubilee Year (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

“The Spirit of the Lord…” is the first sermon of Jesus in the gospel of Luke.…

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Engaging in a New Relationship with God

The wedding at Cana is one of the most captivating narratives of the gospel anecdotes because…

Baptism of the Lord : The Mingling of the human and the divine (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy

This prayer of the priest appears before my eyes in a hallucinative glow on the Feast…

Feast of Epiphany – The Journey of the Magi (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

Happy New Year to all! Epiphany Sunday always brings the reading about the magi, the wise…

Christmas to People of Goodwill

Merry Christmas to all. The refrain of Christmas is ‘Glory to God in the highest and…

4th Sunday of Advent – The Historical Summit of Two Women (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, CMF)

The gospel today narrates the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, her relative. Luke has a peculiar…

3rd Sunday in Advent – GIVING WAY IS THE NOBLEST WAY

The gospel passage today presents people taking advice from John the Baptist to prepare for the…

1st Sunday in Advent – Return of the chaos and restoration of the order

Advent season is here, the beginning of the new liturgical year. The gospel continues to give…