According to Fr. Randy Flores, SVD that sometimes in January 4, 1975, an amateur astronomer and at the same time, a Society of Divine Word (SVD) missionary priest, the late Fr. Leo Boethin, SVD, was scanning the sky with his telescope in the mountains of Abra, in Luzon, Philippines. He was admiring the stars when he set his eyes on a “rising star.” Later one, he realized that it was a comet whom no one had yet discovered before. He reported it to a U.S. astronomical center and in honor of its discoverer. The comet was officially named “Comet Boethin.” This rising star did not only bring universal honors to this simple and humble missionary but also a new dimension to his missionary life, that of discovering and proclaiming God in the wonders of creation.

Today, we are celebrating a big feast and our Church’s calendar calls it Epiphany. Formerly, this feast was called the Feast of the Three Kings whose fixed fiesta date is January 6. Epiphany in Greek means “manifestation.” A manifestation of Jesus Christ Himself to all people and manifestation of God to all the people through Jesus Christ. This feast is not a holyday of obligation. This is transferred to Sunday so that the people may benefit from this feast and at the same time a continuous reflection on the meaning of Christmas. Actually, in our custom, this feast is the last day of Christmas season but for some, the last day of Christmas of Christmas is the baptism of the Lord because white garments are the colors of the day during liturgical celebrations. If this is the last day of Christmas or not, those who did not yet receive yet their gifts, this is your last chance.

In our gospel reading today, God uses a special and unusual rising star which twinkles across the sky, drawing the wise men from the east all the way to Jerusalem. They left their homes and material security behind and experienced hardships on the road as the star momentarily disappeared. Their only hope is that at the end of this arduous search, they would come upon the star, the Light of the world which is Jesus Christ Himself.

According to a commentary that traditionally, we have claimed that there were three magi who found the Lord in Bethlehem because there is a mention of three gifts. Yet, whatever the number that stumbled into Herod’s court by mistake and were eventually led to Bethlehem, throughout the centuries, there have been millions who have found their way to Christ by following the lights that God has sent them.

Often the lights that lead us to Christ shine through our loving parents who introduce us to Jesus at an early age. For me, I met and encountered the Trinitarian God through my parents because they taught me on how to make the sign of the cross. Others have stars like teachers who inspire them by their knowledge of Scriptures, their love of the church and their heroic virtues. This shining people bring us towards the King of light, Jesus Himself.

We don’t bring gold, frankincense and myrrh to God. Rather, we bring our hearts, minds, souls and bodies to Him. The gold, frankincense and myrrh were the best material things that wise travelers could bring to the Lord of life. But their effort, their risking of their lives, their willingness to leave security and comfort behind was the gift that proved their true virtue and wisdom.

Guided by the light of those around us, we ourselves become lights to others. We give our minds to God when we affirm the value of life, proclaim the worth of humanity and distinguish correctly right from wrong. We give our hearts to God when we love with patience, depth and consistency. We give our souls to God when we pray with intensity, act with charity, stand up for justice, rejoice in good times and in bad. We give our bodies to God when we respect the bodies of others, bind up the wounds of hurting, feed the hungry, clothed the naked, give shelter to the homeless and lay down our lives for the sake of others.

There’s a true story about a young man worked in a leather factory. His fellow workers were not Catholics and when on Friday he brought egg, fish and sandwiches to lunch. They called him a fish-eater and taunted him by displaying their meat sandwiches. Of courses, it was all good-natured joking, but there was one man whose bitter remarks were serious.

Years later, the leather worker met the old acquaintance leaving a Catholic church and dressed as a catholic priest. The two recognized each other and began to talk over old times.

Finally the priest said: “It was your good example that aroused my interest in Catholicism. I thought if a man can take the taunts of a crowd and still remain proud of his faith, there must be something wonderful about that faith. That led me to inquire about the church. Today, I celebrate my first Mass.”

That’s the challenge for us all. Epiphany means that we have to manifest Christ to people, to evangelize by our own good example and live the Christian values even to a hostile environment.