The passage we read today gives less than an ideal picture of the Family of Nazareth. Mary and Joseph forget the son in Jerusalem and for one day they peacefully walk without worrying about him. Jesus moves away from his parents without asking permission. When the mother asks for an explanation of his behavior he seems to even answer her badly. Mary and Joseph do not understand his words; only at the end the passage recalls that Jesus returns to Nazareth and, from then on, he remains obedient to them. This is a great decision but how do you explain his previous “disobedience”? It is true that, read as a chronicle, this passage presents some difficulties. How to interpret it?


The law of Israel prescribed (only for adult men) the three times a year pilgrimage to Jerusalem during the main holidays (Ex 23:17; Deut 16:16). For those who lived far away, however, it was virtually impossible to observe this precept. Many Jews already considered it a great fortune to be able to fulfill the holy journey even once in a lifetime. Mary and Joseph, living in Nazareth, were about three days’ journey away from Jerusalem. They went up every year to celebrate Easter.

The fact narrated in today’s gospel happens on the occasion of one of these pilgrimages. Jesus was twelve years old, is therefore almost an adult (at thirteen years in Israel one becomes an adult and is required to comply with all the precepts of the law).

Jesus is eager to discover the will of the Father and knows where to find it: in the holy books of his people, in the Bible. That’s the reason why he stops in Jerusalem. He wants to understand the word of God. Walking around the temple during the feast, maybe he was impressed by the explanations given by some well-prepared and more pious master than others. He wants to hear it again, ask him some questions and clarify his doubts.

The purpose of Luke’s account is not to emphasize the intelligence of Jesus, but to prepare the reader to understand the answer he gives to his mother, worried and surprised by his behavior. These are the first words he speaks in the Gospel of Luke. Then—for the evangelist—they are of particular importance, as the program of Jesus throughout his life. The answer is formulated with two questions: “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (v. 49).


The children usually put countless questions, even Jesus has certainly addressed many to his parents. This is the first time that they are not able to give an answer, for this their amazement is noted: “They did not understand this answer” (v. 50). They realize that he begins to distance himself from the narrow family environment and opens himself to a wider horizon. He is born in a family, but he does not belong to it. He is a citizen of the world and, like every child is a gift from God to all mankind.


The last part of today’s Gospel (vv. 51-52) points out that Jesus returns to Nazareth and is obedient to his parents. It would seem that after the escapade… he gets better in exercising judgment. The meaning of the statement, however, is different. In Israel there is a commandment that requires “to honor the parents.” This implies a duty to help them in their old age, but, above all, to follow their religious faith. Parents are instructed to tell their children what the Lord has done for his people (Deut 6:20- 25). To obey the parents means to welcome their teachings and imitate their loyalty to God.


In this sense, Jesus honored his parents, has assimilated their deep faith in the God of Abraham and the love for the word of God to which he will make constant reference throughout his life.


Faced with the often inexplicable and incomprehensible events in our families there is only one correct attitude: “To keep all these things in our hearts”, as Mary did and ponder them in the light of the Word of God. It was not also easy for her to understand and accept the path to which God wanted his son to tread.