Clearly there is no historical record of the birth of Mary. The Church does believe, however,…
Tag: Year A
22nd Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS
There are a large number of soldiers returning from battle suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.…
22nd Sunday of the Year
We are very much influenced by advertisements to think that various products will make us happy.…
22nd Sunday of the Year
IN LAST WEEK’S GOSPEL we saw the disciples riding high. They had, through Peter, acknowledged that…
22nd Sunday of the Year – Offer life if you don’t want to lose it
Introduction “In the days of trouble” (Ps 77:3) we call upon the Lord because we are…
21st Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS
Today’s gospel was also used for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul at the end…
21st Sunday of the Year
In 1986, EDSA Revolution happened. Thousands of Filipinos went out from their homes, marched into the…
21st Sunday of the Year
IN TODAY’S GOSPEL WE RECALL a high point in Jesus’ relationship with his disciples. It represents…
21st Sunday of the Year – A discovery that changes your name and your life
Introduction A picture of Christ ‘wanted’: long hair, untrimmed beard, a friend of the marginalized, herald…