3rd Advent Sunday

TODAY USED TO BE CALLED “Gaudete Sunday” from the first word of the Entrance Song in…

3rd Advent Sunday – The Baptist Invited to be converted

Introduction “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John” (Jn 1:6). He was…

2nd Advent Sunday – Prepare, Don’t Presume

Among the alarming list of human foibles is the concept of entitlement.  It seems that many…

2nd Advent Sunday

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff in our lives will bring us Harmony within ourselves, with…

2nd Advent Sunday – What chaff do we need to remove to become pure wheat before Jesus?

John the Baptist is a powerful image placed before us every Advent. We might want to…

2nd Advent Sunday – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2

Today’s Isaiah reading must be one of the most poetic and beautiful passages in the Bible.…

2nd Advent Sunday – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

The church to which Paul wrote his Letter to the Romans consisted of several communities. There…

2nd Advent Sunday

When big events are approaching, people start worrying about a lot of things and how to…

2nd Advent Sunday

LAST SUNDAY in our Advent preparation for Christmas we looked first at the end of our…

2nd Advent Sunday – She will flourish like the palm tree and will grow like a Lebanon cedar

Introduction Israel was a tree that the Lord had germinated and then cultivated. Later the enemy…