27th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2

More and more states in our country are developing vineyards and producing  unique blends of wine.…

27th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

It seems that more and more states have vineyards these days. In the “old days” we…

27th Sunday of the Year

TODAY’S PARABLE is linked to last Sunday’s about the two sons sent to work in their…

27th Sunday of the Year – Christ: the stone that shatters our idols

Introduction The last verse of Psalm 137—the famous song of exile—is always carefully ignored. After the…

25th Sunday of the Year – “God Awards According to Merits” is the Epitaph on the Tomb of Love

In the parable, the master provokes the anger of the workers of the first hour, who…

Wesley’s Wealth

The modern Australian way is to spend, spend, spend, to the very limits of your income…

26th Sunday of the Year – Empty Means Full

Today’s second reading is from the second chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. The reading contains one…

26th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

I bet each of us can tell stories about people who have let us down? They…

26th Sunday of the Year

There was a story of a businesswoman who owned a store. She had a servant named…

26th Sunday of the Year

TODAY WE ARE PRESENTED with another challenge by Jesus to the religious leaders of the people.…