Introduction There are people who answer ‘yes’ without having understood. There are also sincere people…
Tag: Year A
Let me tell you a quick story and the moral I have for it. I have…
24th Sunday of the Year – Forgiveness: The Feast of God and People
The question that opens today’s gospel, “How many times must I forgive the offenses of my…
23rd Sunday of the Year – Check Your Intention Before Correcting Your Neighbor
Today we are invited to reflect on Jesus’ recommendations on how to recover the ones who…
25th Sunday of the Year
For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Mt. 20, 16) The calling of all mankind,…
25th Sunday of the Year – “Do you begrudge my generosity?”
Background: Today’s story is not intended to be a paradigm for labor-management relations nor material for…
25th Sunday of the Year
Bottom line: The sole question, whether they had worked in the vineyard. First they must be…
25th Sunday of the Year – Are you, Am I, Good Enough?
Are you, Am I, Good Enough? I came upon an interesting story this week about the…
25th Sunday of the Year
A priest in New Orleans after Katrina saw a child with one shoe. He asked where…