Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection – Do not look for the living among the dead

Introduction We Christians are convinced of being custodians of an excellent project, man and society. We…

Good Friday

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus Christ gives greatest glory to the Father precisely in the…

Good Friday – The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Crucifixion of Jesus (19:25-34) Can you still remember what Ninoy Aquino had said and even…

Good Friday – We contemplated a love stronger than death

Introduction The dramatic agony of the cross has often led the preachers of the past to…

Holy Thursday – The Sacrament of Holy Orders

Again, I want to welcome you to this very special and very solemn liturgy. There are…

Holy Thursday – The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet

Sociologist Robert Wuthnow of Princeton University (USA) has explored how it is that people make everyday…

Holy Thursday – Jesus: broken bread, offered as nourishment

Introduction Among the many names by which the Eucharist was called, the one that best expresses…

He Was a Jew Too!

He Was a Jew Too!   Kilmer Meyers was the pastor of a church in Manhattan,…

The woman melting in the stare of men

Jesus rescues a hapless woman accused of adultery from the men who wanted to lynch her…

Painting Judas and Jesus

Painting Judas and Jesus Leonardo Da Vinci, the noted Italian artist, painted the Last Supper. It…