4th Sunday of Lent – The Challenge of the Father’s Love

The love of the father in the parable of the prodigal son has challenged me to…

Third Sunday of Lent – The Burning Bush and the Fruitless Fig Tree

Today’s readings are green. The first reading is of a greenery that does not burn in…

A Lesson for Every Son

A son took his old father to a restaurant for an evening dinner. Father being very…

2nd Sunday of Lent – Mirroring the Divine Face

Today we read the gospel of the transfiguration of Christ. Jesus took Peter, James and John—the…

Tragedy Transformed

HuffPost Almost six years ago, singer Jennifer Hudson lost her mother, her brother and her nephew…

40 things you might consider giving up for Lent

  There is one for each day of the season. And these are things to give…

1st Sunday of Lent – Temptations of Tails and Horns

Christ was tempted; yes, even Christ was tempted. So, shall we be tempted, for sure. A…

He Was a Jew Too

Kilmer Meyers was the pastor of a church in Manhattan, USA. One of the more disturbing…


Don’t be so quick to judge. Better yet, try not to judge at all. A SIMPLE…

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Spiritual Mentoring

The gospel of this Sunday speaks about mentorship. The metaphor used is that of a blind…