8th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Spiritual Mentoring (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

The gospel of this Sunday speaks about mentorship. The metaphor used is that of a blind…

Martin Luther King on Love

The great American civil rights leader Martin Luther King preached one of his most moving sermons…

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Apprenticing the Art of Love from Jesus (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

In the gospel passage today, Jesus teaches us the core value of the Kingdom of God…

6th Sunday Ordinary Time – Unlearning our Tolerance to Insensitivity (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

The blessings and woes in today’s gospel passage are counterintuitive and contradictory to the common Jewish…

Wesley’s Wealth

The modern Australian way is to spend, spend, spend, to the very limits of your income…

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time – God of the Working Days (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, CMF)

It was still early morning after a tiring night. Peter and his companions had caught nothing…

Henry of Bavaria

In the eleventh century King Henry III of Bavaria grew tired of court life and the…

Welcome Home Mr President!

Hubert Humphrey was a former vice-president of the United States. When he died hundreds of people…

4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Denial and Dismissal at Nazareth (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, CMF)

We had made a passing mention about people’s reaction to hearing Jesus saying, “These words are…

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Proclamation of the Jubilee Year (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

“The Spirit of the Lord…” is the first sermon of Jesus in the gospel of Luke.…