The Fisherman’s Fellowship

There was a group called ‘The Fisherman’s Fellowship’. They were surrounded by streams and lakes full…

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Engaging in a New Relationship with God

The wedding at Cana is one of the most captivating narratives of the gospel anecdotes because…

The Water saw her Master and Blushed.

The story is said about Lord Byron, the poet, taking a religious studies exam at Oxford…

Baptism of the Lord : The Mingling of the human and the divine (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy

This prayer of the priest appears before my eyes in a hallucinative glow on the Feast…


Ahmed Shah Ahmed Shah was a famous ruler of Afghanistan. The nation had been wracked by…

Feast of Epiphany – The Journey of the Magi (Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)

Happy New Year to all! Epiphany Sunday always brings the reading about the magi, the wise…

7 Ways to Live Lighter in the New Year

It’s important to remember that your spirit as well as your body needs care and attention.…

The Gift of Us

Marjorie Tallcott was married and had one child during the Great Depression. The family managed to…

CHRIST THE KING – Christ the King of the Now

I want to begin this Sunday by sharing a story about a teacher. This is a…


“He saved others, let Him save Himself if He is the Messiah of God, the chosen…