WE COME TODAY to the end of another Church year. Today is also the 34th and…

CHRIST THE KING – A cross for a throne

Introduction When Emperor Tiberius governs Rome, John the Baptist appears along the Jordan River. What he…

33rd Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Dear Preachers: I never liked scary movies as a kid. As time has passed nothing has…

33rd Sunday of the Year

  There is a song whose lyrics I think are very much applicable in today’s gospel…

33rd Sunday of the Year

ON THIS, the second last Sunday of the Church year, we usually reflect on the end…

33rd Sunday of the Year – Courage, lift up your head!

Introduction In times of political upheavals, wars, famine, and pestilence follow suit. The situation of misery…

All Saints & All Souls Day – Faithful Departed – A IN GOD’S HANDS

Introduction We leave the maternal womb and enter into this world; after childhood, we enter adolescence;…

All Saints & All Souls Day

This month we are celebrating one of the most fundamental and most consoling truths of Catholicism,…

All Saints & All Souls Day – The Gnosis of Remembering

All Souls’s Day is traditionally a time to remember the blessed dead. In Latin cultures they…

All Saints & All Souls Day – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Ever since I was a child, when people referred to the dead, I have heard them…