26th Sunday of the Year

When I was a young and very pious religious our days were compartmentalized, that is, they…

26th Sunday of the Year – The Church’s Mission to the Poor

The Gospel of Luke, the Gospel of God’s compassion, the Gospel of the lowly being raised…

26th Sunday of the Year – The Responsible Catholic

“Woe to the complacent in Zion, who enjoy a luxurious life but do nothing about the…

26th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Dear Preachers: Don t you appreciate when someone is trying to make a point, or explain…

26th Sunday of the Year

There was a story of a man who was a ‘relihiyoso’ (religious) and ’diosnon’  (godly). After he…

26th Sunday of the Year

TO SOME PEOPLE the story in today’s Gospel may seem quite unfair. A successful man, indicated…

26th Sunday of the Year – To enjoy life is to renounce the superfluous

Introduction There was a time when God seemed an ally of the rich. Well-being, luck, abundance…

25th Sunday of the Year – God our Saviour Desires All People to be Saved

The gem at the centre of the second reading could easily be missed in the flow…

25th Sunday of the Year – Being a Success

What cheaters! Those merchants that the prophet Amos spoke about in the first reading had a…

25th Sunday of the Year

Gospel Summary In order to appreciate fully the import of today’s gospel text, which gives us…