21st Sunday of the Year – “FIRST IMPRESSIONS” 2

The passage from Isaiah is from the third major section of the book (Chapters 56-66). The…

21st Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 1

Jesus sounds stern in today’s gospel. We are not used to the compassionate one talking this…

21st Sunday of the Year – Outside or Inside?

In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks about the narrow gate. It is the answer to the question:…

21st Sunday of the Year

Martha and Mary An open-air evangelist, preaching on today’s gospel text was warning his congregation about…

21st Sunday of the Year

THERE IS A WORLDWIDE TENDENCY among people who believe in a religion to feel that they…

21st Sunday of the Year – All are welcomed, but don’t be late

Introduction “Enlarge the space for your tent, stretch out your hangings, lengthen your ropes and strengthen…

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

At first glance the extract from St Luke’s Gospel set before us today is probably seen…

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10; Psalm 40: 2-4, 18; Hebrews 12:1-4; St. Luke 12: 49-53 The consuming fire…

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Gospel Summary In this passage Jesus speaks of the meaning of his life. To fulfill his…

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

I came to cast fire upon the earth” Luke 12:49-53 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Background:…