20th Sunday of the Year – Run the Race

Message: Run the race – keep participating in the sacraments, especially Holy Mass. In today’s second…

20th Sunday of the Year – Fire on Earth–St. Gianna Berretta Molla

“I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already…

20th Sunday of the Year

A priest was getting on a bus. Somehow his shoe came off and fell into the…

20th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2

Jesus has turned his face to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), with his disciples following behind. On the way…

20th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

I thought Jesus was supposed to bring peace to us? Isn’t that what the angels announced…

20th Sunday of the Year

St. Thomas More was not only a famous scholar and writer; he was also a public…

20th Sunday of the Year

JESUS MAKES THREE IMPORTANT STATEMENTS in today’s Gospel. “I have come to bring fire on the…

20th Sunday of the Year – The prophets share a unique fate

Introduction The ease and speed with which skepticism, mockery or disrepute manage to cool the enthusiasm,…

19th Sunday of the Year

The readings today remind us that we are God’s chosen people. We are not a race…

19th Sunday of the Year

What delightful and consoling words are communicated to us in the Gospel. Do not live in…