15th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2

“Good Samaritan” has become part of our language, whether we are Christian or not.  About ten…

15th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 1

The story of the Good Samaritan is one of the best known in the Bible. Even…

15th Sunday of the Year

Commentaries on Readings Deuteronomy 30:10-14; Colossians 1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37  THE CORE of the Christian message is:…

15th Sunday of the Year

According to Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP in one of his homilies published in Sambuhaysome years ago, he…

15th Sunday of the Year – To Inherit Life

Introduction To love God would not make sense for the ancient Greeks. The gods could love…

Christmas to People of Goodwill

Merry Christmas to all. The refrain of Christmas is ‘Glory to God in the highest and…

Sunday Scripture Reflections

Malachi 3:19-20a; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12; Luke 21:5-19   ON THIS, the second last Sunday of the…

14th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2

I am writing this a few days after the slaughter in Orlando Florida. Our hearts are…

14th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

The Bible is filled with poetry, especially the Psalms, which are poetic prayers. Isaiah today is…

14th Sunday of the Year

I read this reflection in one of the homily books I read and I like it.…