Dear Brothers and Sisters, In a little while we shall sing in the antiphon to the Magnificat: “The…
Tag: Year C
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
IN TODAY’S FEAST we celebrate in a special way the love of God for us, especially…
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
I will ask you a question: Can you see love? We cannot see love and so…
Feast of the Body and the Blood – Body and Blood of Christ
There is a very interesting choice of readings today for the feast of Corpus Christi, the…
Feast of the Body and the Blood
Gospel Summary Today’s gospel passage is Luke’s version of Jesus’ miracle of the multiplication of loaves…
Feast of the Body and the Blood – Not a Prize for the Perfect
Message: The Body and Blood of Jesus we receive with humility and gratitude – not a…
Feast of the Body and the Blood – Reverence for the Eucharist
Today’s first reading presents a meeting between Abram, later to be named Abraham, and someone called…
Feast of the Body and the Blood – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CRISIS
The economic crisis is going to be long and hard. We shouldn’t be fooled. We can’t…
Feast of the Body and the Blood – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 2
There was a time when Catholics rarely received Communion. Since reception was so infrequent Benediction and…
Feast of the Body and the Blood – FIRST IMPRESSIONS 1
From the way Luke narrates the multiplication of the bread and fish you can tell…