11th Sunday of the Year

“There are two types of people in the world. The first are those who bounce into…

11th Sunday of the Year

TODAY’S PASSAGE IS ONE OF THE MOST STRIKING scenes in the whole of the Gospel. It…

10th Sunday of the Year – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Who wouldn’t feel compassion for the two widows in today’s Scriptures? While Elijah is a guest…

10th Sunday of the Year – The Compassion of the Lord

Many years ago I was a part time chaplain at a Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. …

10th Sunday of the Year – Jesus the Source of Life

THE THEME OF THE READINGS today focuses on God and his incarnate Son, Jesus, as the…

Feast of the Holy Trinity

Today the Church celebrates the Holy Trinity. It is not as obviously dramatic and exciting as…

Feast of the Holy Trinity

As we progress through the liturgical year we take in turn the wonderful sayings and miracles…

Feast of the Holy Trinity

In this passage from the Last Supper Discourse, Jesus tells his disciples that when the Spirit…

Feast of the Holy Trinity – Levels of Happiness

Message: The Trinity – the relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit – exists from eternity.…

Feast of the Holy Trinity – Mystery Amid Mayhem

We live in the information age. When in doubt, go to your smart phone or computer…