Feast of Pentacost – The Spirit of Understanding and Forgiveness

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is narrated very vividly in the Acts of the Apostles.…


http://www.motivateus.com/stories/agod.htm One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but…

Ascension of the Lord – Ascending to the Divine

Ascension is part of realizing God’s dreams. For Jesus, it was returning to the Father after…

Temper control

  http://academictips.org/blogs/temper-control/ Once upon a time there was a little boy who was talented, creative, handsome,…

Desmond Tutu’s Confidence

During the deepest, darkest days of apartheid when the government tried to shut down opposition by…

6th Sunday of Easter – Peace I leave you, my peace I give you

Peace is on focus today in the farewell conversation of Jesus with the disciples. At the…

The Power of Love and the Rise of Christianity

http://storiesforpreaching.com/category/sermonillustrations/love-2/ Many historians believe that central to the rise of Christianity was the simple fact that…

5th Sunday of Easter – Glory of the Present Moment

Glory and love are two repeated themes in this short gospel passage. It contains probably the…

5th Sunday of Easter

In our Gospel extract this Sunday Jesus gives us a new commandment, the commandment to love.…

5th Sunday of Easter

Gospel Summary  Jesus tells his disciples in this passage from the Last Supper Discourse that now…