3rd Sunday of Easter

The meeting of the Risen Jesus with his disciples has a clear catechetical intent. The central…

3rd Sunday of Easter

Most moms have their favorite proverbs that, repeated often enough, become embedded wisdom in their children’s…

3rd Sunday of Easter – The Deep Serenity of Grace

A friend who knows me too well once gave me a fridge magnet, on which was…

3rd Sunday of Easter – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

I want to pay tribute to a recently deceased man. I didn’t know him well, he…

3rd Sunday of Easter

Background: The problem for those who tried to harmonize all the resurrection stories in the Gospel…

3rd Sunday of Easter – “Father, He is Risen!”

The man who entered the Church last Sunday was old, very old. He was stooped over.…

3rd Sunday of Easter – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

For those of us who like decorum and order in our prayer, private and public —…

3rd Sunday of Easter

WE CONTINUE TO LOOK at the experience the disciples had of the Risen Jesus. The readings…

3rd Sunday of Easter

There was a story which I read from a book entitled, Chicken Soup for the Soul, authored…

3rd Sunday of Easter – It’s Hard to Believe Even for Those Who Have Seen

Introduction In the Christian community we elaborate ambitious pastoral programs, in the family, we implement the…