Let Me Remember…

  http://www.sassycats.com/easter_poems_stories.html On Easter morning as I awake, I recall memories that make me quack, For…

Easter Sunday – Overcoming the Most Painful Coercion Tool

Happy Easter, Alleluia! Easter Vigil presents one of the most dramatic situations in the gospels. The…

Easter Sunday

Acts 10:34,37-43; Col 3:1-4; John 20:1-9 Every Easter Sunday (especially during Easter Vigil), Papurisa Dios (Glory to God)…

Easter Sunday – Witness is one who “saw” the Lord

Introduction The words with which John begins his letter are moving: “What we have heard and…

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection

Today we celebrate the greatest of all Christian feasts. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches…

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection – FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Now it begins: confusion, questions, “What-ifs,” excitement, “Could it be true?” “It’s all make-believe,” “Never heard…

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection – The Cross and the Candle

A large cross covered with a red cloth is held up at the entrance of the…

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection

OUR EASTER CELEBRATIONS form the heart of our Christian living. Our faith is deeply rooted and…

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection

Tonight we are celebrating the vigil of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead. Christ is…

Good Friday – A Very Good Day

For the second time this week we participated in the solemn proclamation of the Passion of…