Tuesday July 2, 2024



Tuesday of 13th Week in Ordinary Time





Amos questions the people of God and asks them to give an account of how they have answered God’s love.

Gospel. We have to recognize the Lord’s presence and to keep trusting in him, when storms rage within us and in our world as they threaten to engulf us and make us ask: “Lord, where are you?” These may be the storms of temptation, of doubts and fears regarding the faith, of threatened loyalty. The winds of change too, may be howling typhoons tossing the bark of the Church around, before we can enter the calm waters of a renewed Church. The Lord is there, we should not be afraid.


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you let your Son reassure us
with a word of reprimand:
“Why are you afraid, people of little faith?”
Let that little faith grow in us
and make us absolutely certain
that you are with us in your creation,
in the dark and in the night,
in the wind and in the storm,
even in the depths of death.
For you are the God who said:
“I am there for you,”
now and for ever.


Reading 1: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12 

Hear this word, O children of Israel, that the LORD pronounces over you,
over the whole family that I brought up from the land of Egypt:

You alone have I favored,
more than all the families of the earth;
Therefore I will punish you
for all your crimes.

Do two walk together
unless they have agreed?
Does a lion roar in the forest
when it has no prey?
Does a young lion cry out from its den
unless it has seized something?
Is a bird brought to earth by a snare
when there is no lure for it?
Does a snare spring up from the ground
without catching anything?
If the trumpet sounds in a city,
will the people not be frightened?
If evil befalls a city,
has not the LORD caused it?
Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing
without revealing his plan
to his servants, the prophets.

The lion roars—
who will not be afraid!
The Lord GOD speaks—
who will not prophesy!

I brought upon you such upheaval
as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah:
you were like a brand plucked from the fire;
Yet you returned not to me,
says the LORD.

So now I will deal with you in my own way, O Israel!
and since I will deal thus with you,
prepare to meet your God, O Israel.


Responsorial Psalm Ps 5:4b-6a, 6b-7, 8

(9a) Lead me in your justice, Lord.
At dawn I bring my plea expectantly before you.
For you, O God, delight not in wickedness;
no evil man remains with you;
the arrogant may not stand in your sight.
R. Lead me in your justice, Lord.
You hate all evildoers;
you destroy all who speak falsehood;
The bloodthirsty and the deceitful
the LORD abhors.
R. Lead me in your justice, Lord.
But I, because of your abundant mercy,
will enter your house;
I will worship at your holy temple
in fear of you, O LORD.
R. Lead me in your justice, Lord.


Alleluia Ps 130:5

Alleluia, alleluia.
I trust in the LORD;
my soul trusts in his word.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.


Gospel Matthew 8:23-27

As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him.
Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea,
so that the boat was being swamped by waves;
but he was asleep.
They came and woke him, saying,
“Lord, save us! We are perishing!”
He said to them, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”
Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea,
and there was great calm.
The men were amazed and said, “What sort of man is this,
whom even the winds and the sea obey?”



– For the Church of Jesus Christ, that its faith and love may not waver in the difficulties and storms of our time, we pray:

– For sailors and fishers, that the sea may be peaceful and generous to them; for all who travel, that they may safely reach their destination, we pray:

– For ourselves, that we should never be afraid, for we know that Jesus is with us. That we may remain serene and in peace, we pray:


Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we bring this bread and this wine before you
as our gifts of peace and reconciliation.
Unite us in your Son, we pray you,
and make us into peacemakers, like St. Irenaeus.
By our unity
in the message and life of your Son,
make us into signs of peace to all.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.


Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you have made yourself known to us
through your Son Jesus Christ
and you want us to live his message
in all its consequences.

Give us the strength of St. Irenaeus
to make this faith
the heart of all we do
and may this faith express itself
in loyalty, peace and service.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.



“Why are you afraid, people of little faith?” Let us entrust ourselves wholeheartedly to the Lord. With him, we can overcome all difficulties. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



Storm in a Teacup

Let’s debate:

I say: “Who wouldn’t be afraid in such storm? Weren’t the disciples human?” 

You say: “But Jesus is in the boat with the disciples. Why be afraid?” 

I say: “But He is asleep. How does he know?”

You say: Is it not written, “I slept, but my heart was awake”? (Song 5:2)

I say: “Then he should have done something.”

You say: “He is the Word that created the world!”

I say: “But in sleep, isn’t the Word silent?”

Men of little faith! Why did they doubt? At the end of it all, everything turned out to be a mere storm in a teacup (or tempest in a teapot, if you prefer.). For, even in his sleep, he knows; even in his silence, he commands. We can rest assured.



Coffee With God: Why are you so afraid?